Disappointing turnout. I had hoped some of the mystery drivers who appear on the pre qualifying server would make an appearance. For me a very hectic race, I had completely mixed my dates up and thought the race was next week. I still hadn't even made a final car choice when the youtube notification...
I'm considering my chassis choice for this season. I plan on attending all races if possible but unsure of my finishing chances due to my ongoing foot issues. So I'll probably grab one of the least represented cars to add more variety to the grid. I guess (Hope) Seb will return in his trusty Lotus, ...
Ah ok, I think I was becoming confused regarding Int & Pro and Advanced Damage and Realistic Damage. I've seen people (Unconnected to HIES) use the terms interchangeably. So, if I'm now understanding correctly when you talk about Int & Pro you are referring specifically to the DG patch? If so, then ...
I've kept a low profile since my retirement from the final race of 2024. I visited the doctor regarding my ongoing issues with cramp in my foot while racing and is seems the cramp is actually a result of a different issue. I appear to have an issue with the "Talus" bone in my right foot. (It's a bon...
Horrible night for me. Simply had not had chance to practice much at a track I already hate from past experience. Gained a place off the start but then messed up the entry to the final corner a few laps in dropping me to last place. Caught Olaf but was surprised by his braking point entering the loo...
Very disappointed to hear this José. Sadly GPL is a very hard taskmaster regarding close racing, and any contact usually unleashes Armageddon on those involved. Just look at my ending at Kansas and Roadblock. Both involved a battle for the lead, (At Roadblock, 100m from the flag). Sh1t happens. Some...
Somehow managed to put the Brabham on pole despite a time much slower than I expected. My start was dreadful to say the least, I didn't give it anywhere near enough throttle and when I dropped the clutch the engine bogged down terribly. Apologies to Bjorn behind who had to get off the power pretty q...