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Season 2023 preview
Posted: 11 Jan 2023, 13:27
by Olaf Lehmann
On the HIES website I read the date for the first race 19/01. Is it correct?
And...Has it already been decided which track it will be? So that we can already buy the train or airline tickets....
BR Olaf
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 11 Jan 2023, 16:45
by André Jahren
That's correct Olaf.
The calender is now updated. 17 tracks are scheduled and the last one will come soon.
I will start the pre-qual server tonight.
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 14:01
by Robert Fleurke
Thanks guys, I will take the BRM or Honda coming season.
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 22:17
by Seb Gore
Hi everyone,
Great to be back. Thank you Olaf and David for organising this forum. Much appreciated.
Interesting selection of tracks this year, and my sincerest thanks for popping Brands in there Andre. That'll be two visits to Brands this year for me. One for the Masters festival and the historic F1's and one for us. Heaven.
Glad you are thinking racing Robert, good to see you.
See you all on track and have a great season everyone

Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 13:50
by Olaf Lehmann
I have three things on my mind.
1) Of course, everyone can decide for themselves which car they want to drive. However, I would like to see as many different cars as possible in our races.
I am open to Lotus/Eagle/Ferrari. I would take the car that is driven the least. But I would have to know in time what you drive.
2) I had a terrible race last year where I pitted 4 times or so and didn't even make 90% of the laps. I felt taunted that I got full points for that.
I would feel better if those who manage at least 80% but less than 90% would get i.e. three points less (i.e. as 6th I get 7 points, then I would only get 7-3=4 points).
Then there would be more thrill in the race (OK not for Robert, André or Tim, but for me).
3) In regulations still stands: "No grid edit"
I hope this is still there by mistake...
BR Olaf
And additional question: Do we have race control in 2023 like before?
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 14 Jan 2023, 13:44
by André Jahren
Hi Olaf,
1. I think I will stay in the Cooper if Robert moves to Honda or BRM. If Robert stays in the Cooper then I will move to the Brabham.
2. That’s a good idea. If no one else protects I will update the regulations.
3. Will update the regulations.
To all: I think there is something wrong with the publishing of pre-qual times. Will get it fixed by tomorrow.
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 14:17
by Robert Fleurke
Yes I take the BRM

The server didn't pick up my time today (1m21.8ish). edit: it's fixed, thanks André!
Very slow track, I am only using 4 gears for this track in the BRM

Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 22:25
by André Jahren
I can't find a grid edit track.ini for Goodwood 65, Boreham Airfield, and Mendoza. Can anyone help me with these?
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 19 Jan 2023, 19:00
by Olaf Lehmann
Now I have finally decided i'll make an adventure...I drive

this year.
Re: Season 2023 preview
Posted: 21 Jan 2023, 20:48
by Robert Fleurke
Today got word from the hospital, getting shunt surgery at Monday 30th of January in my left elbow. This will mean I will miss the coming races. How many I don't know, but the shunt needs to grow/heal 6 weeks, so most likely I can't race in that period. It sucks, but it is what it is...I hope to be back around Albi