dirtgearpatch NEWS

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by tagomago » 29 Apr 2023, 09:40

Olaf ... if I can help ... let me know :)

I remember very fondly my time as an analyst/programmer ... the acronyms of the tools we used sure sound antidiluvian today: RPG, COBOL, PL1, Fortran, Assembler ... there were almost no debugging tools and sometimes we would get a memory dump to guide us on what was happening at a certain point in a process, so when we were lost with some issue we resorted to tell our story to a colleague live and direct, even if the colleague in question did not really know what we were talking about . . when explaining the problem you were forced to clarify and specify the various parts of the problem and the approaches that you had within the problem and that used to get you out of it because the fact of explaining it live gave you the clue as to where you were going wrong so to speak.

So if you want me to listen to you, I am all ears.
If you want us to do tests, just say so

To me particularly from what you explain I would say that I do not think that there are many facilities of different origins, maybe Albi, but Oulton and Brands are recognized tracks and used in championships for a long time.

My track.ini files

Albi 07/06/2003
Oulton 10/01/2009
Brands67 10/01/2009


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Olaf Lehmann
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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 29 Apr 2023, 21:50

Thank you, José Luis, for your offer to help. You have already helped me. I was able to use the Gaiztor server for testing (as far as I know it belongs to PDLR, correct?).

So my retests looked very good. I tried my Ferrari and the BRM. The pit board disappeared at just the right moment and the car was safe everywhere.
The problem that John and Robert had in practice can be avoided if you follow this advice from the readme:
After a few tenths of a second the car will bounce, like when you do ShiftR. This motion of the car is the control for you to know that you are standing at the right place!
The procedure is easy to circumvent for those who have the problem of the pit board disappearing too early. If there is no bump after two seconds at the latest, simply drive forward a short distance.
It's true that this makes the pit stop a bit trickier (before you could only drive too far). Now it can also happen that you haven't driven far enough. But that should be easy to deduce from the situation. If you drove slowly towards your pit, you probably have to drive forward; if you were too late on the brakes, you have to drive back.

So my conclusion is that v812 works well so far.
I have really lost confidence in the old version. I looked again: My Oulton track.ini was from 2002 - but the pit board was metres off and I was taken off the server in Pre Quali.

How you can still help, José Luis, is - when the Surfer server is running again - simply trying out pitstops (best to stop for at least 30s so you can see if gpl takes you out), preferably with a modified track.ini. And then let me know if, contrary to expectations, you have problems.

Here is mine with a wider grid and pitstalls pulled apart:
I don't know which one André will use to restart the server.

BR Olaf

@André Silverstone Server isn´t required anymore.

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by tagomago » 30 Apr 2023, 13:09

Olaf Lehmann wrote:
29 Apr 2023, 21:50
How you can still help, José Luis, is - when the Surfer server is running again - simply trying out pitstops (best to stop for at least 30s so you can see if gpl takes you out), preferably with a modified track.ini. And then let me know if, contrary to expectations, you have problems.

Here is mine with a wider grid and pitstalls pulled apart:
I don't know which one André will use to restart the server.

BR Olaf
Hi Olaf ... glad to help

I have mounted on VROC a server with the following patches
- 77k Track Gap Freeze Fix
- Lesser Wrong Dir DQ
- dgp 812 server

I have connected with the 812 client patch and it did not give me any problem.

I replaced my track.ini with yours and still no problem.

I leave the server running in case you want to take advantage of it.

I'll stop it tomorrow unless you tell me you want it longer ... or as soon as I see the real one


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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by snafu » 30 Apr 2023, 22:02

Just ran a few laps on José's vroc server and made full use of the pitstops. It definitely feels a bit more critical regarding where you actually stop when compared to how I remember previous DG versions, but I only had 1 failure when I admit I went a metre or so too far.

I did try reversing but lost my bearings as the pit board didn't reappear so I had to abandon that attempt. Should the pit board reappear if I reverse back?

But I'm confident that if I sneak up on it slow enough it works every time, so the few added seconds to complete the stop is of little consequence to me in the grand scheme of things.

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Olaf Lehmann
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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 01 May 2023, 10:23

snafu wrote:
30 Apr 2023, 22:02
Just ran a few laps on José's vroc server and made full use of the pitstops. It definitely feels a bit more critical regarding where you actually stop when compared to how I remember previous DG versions, but I only had 1 failure when I admit I went a metre or so too far.

I did try reversing but lost my bearings as the pit board didn't reappear so I had to abandon that attempt. Should the pit board reappear if I reverse back?

But I'm confident that if I sneak up on it slow enough it works every time, so the few added seconds to complete the stop is of little consequence to me in the grand scheme of things.

The pit stall board does not reappear when you go back. It will only reappear on the next lap (you have to leave the entire pit area for it to reappear).
If you have gone too far, roll back a little, stop and wait two seconds. If the bump comes, you are standing correctly and all is well. If the bump does not come, do not stop and believe in the good. Without a bump, no repair/tyre change and after 25 seconds you end up in the control centre. Definitely. In that case, move the car again.
It has happened to me several times that I overshot my box. I always managed to find the right place. I've also seen other drivers do it in the replay several times.

Another little story about the dangers of different pitstall values for server and client:
I was in the process of creating a track.ini for Bikernieki for wider grids. When I wanted to see my work with AI riders offline, I looked at the beginning of the training. There were two cars on top of each other. When I looked at the track.ini pitstall values, I saw the following:

Code: Select all

stall_0 = 3.00 -8.0
stall_1 = 12.00 -8.0
stall_2 = 21.00 -8.0
stall_3 = 30.00 -8.0
stall_4 = 39.00 -8.0
stall_5 = 48.00 -8.0
stall_6 = 10.00 -8.0
stall_7 = 57.00 -8.0
Pay attention to stall1 and stall6. So I simply gave stall6 the values of stall7 and so on and put stall19 9m behind stall18.
At that time I did not know what danger this would create.
Shortly afterwards I had the idea: It would be good if we distributed the drivers evenly in the pit lane so that there is more space for the pit stop.
So I prepared the track.ini of the next track with "wider" values and now I noticed that the repair or tyre change works, but the stall does not correspond to the repairing place and, above all, that you end up in the account centre after 25 seconds.
At that moment I realised that in Bikerniecki every driver from stall6 onwards would have been taken off the track if he had made a double stop.
That shocked me.

What I'm trying to say is that the track.inis sometimes contain errors, which then leads to people trying to correct them, which is dangerous when using patches like dgp, repair patch (especially the one with variable repair, because you have to stand in the pits longer), or refuel patch.

P.S.: John, do you use the same patch like Robert or have you changed your viewpoint?

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by tagomago » 01 May 2023, 12:37

Olaf Lehmann wrote:
01 May 2023, 10:23

.. the dangers of different pitstall values for server and client ...
Olaf, this sentence has me intrigued ...

These days I'm launching Targa with different starting points to train given the length of the track (I don't dare to call it a circuit).

When I go to track it obviously disregards the track.ini that I have in the client and uses the values of the track.ini that the server sets.

Another thing for John

The board is the reference point to find where to make the stop ... then the damn thing tends to hide ... that's why when I make pit stops to locate the slate or even the first time I go to track I try to memorize a reference point on the surrounding graphics to guess where the actual stop point is going to be when the slate reference disappears.

I think that Robert, André, etc. use similar tricks to try to make authentic and as fast as possible F1 stops ... not like me that if I stop it's because I had a disaster in race :motz: :lol:

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by snafu » 01 May 2023, 14:18

Olaf Lehmann wrote:
01 May 2023, 10:23
The pit stall board does not reappear when you go back. It will only reappear on the next lap (you have to leave the entire pit area for it to reappear).
If you have gone too far, roll back a little, stop and wait two seconds. If the bump comes, you are standing correctly and all is well. If the bump does not come, do not stop and believe in the good. Without a bump, no repair/tyre change and after 25 seconds you end up in the control centre. Definitely. In that case, move the car again.
It has happened to me several times that I overshot my box. I always managed to find the right place. I've also seen other drivers do it in the replay several times.

P.S.: John, do you use the same patch like Robert or have you changed your viewpoint?
Great, thanks for the clarification about the pit board not re-appearing if I have to reverse.
I'll play around with my positioning if I miss my mark and see if I can become more comfortable with repositioning if necessary.

I don't use the patch Robert uses, my setup is pretty standard. (Old HD TV, 78 degrees POV, 1920x1080, default head position).

I know this is a "PICNIC" issue. it's just a lot to learn for my aging brain. :)

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by André Jahren » 01 May 2023, 20:49

Are both my servers now visible on IGOR?

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by snafu » 01 May 2023, 21:15

I don't see them. ;(

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Re: dirtgearpatch NEWS

Post by tagomago » 02 May 2023, 09:40

Sorry but no, none

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