Surfers Paradise - 11/05/23 - Round 8

gpl dirtgear league
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Re: Surfers Paradise - 15/05/23 - Round 8

Post by snafu » 13 May 2023, 02:42

I'm conscious of the fact that I'm the new guy and I do seem to mention issues more than once. It's not on purpose I promise, I love what is being done here..

Got back from the bowling match which caused me to miss this one (I Won 21 -10). :dance: :D Team lost 4-2 ;(

First thing I did was jump in to watch the stream. Great race, commiserations to the DNF's. Faultless run by Tim, You looked so slow which is a compliment as you were really blisteringly quick. So smooth with your wheel inputs :hail:

But just to mention, the replay had no sound.

Also possibly put the website address in the description. There was someone asking for the website on the chat. New victi... erm racers are always welcome. :)

Fast, Cheap, Reliable - Choose any 2 from 3.

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Robert Fleurke
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Re: Surfers Paradise - 15/05/23 - Round 8

Post by Robert Fleurke » 13 May 2023, 12:04

Congrats Tim for the win, and Rainer and Bjorn for podiums! :daumenrauf:

Thanks all for the best wishes. I simply had stomach problems whole week, but I'm feeling fine again right now, relatively. I hope to be present next time again ;)

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Olaf Lehmann
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Re: Surfers Paradise - 15/05/23 - Round 8

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 13 May 2023, 20:39

Thanks all for the best wishes. I simply had stomach problems whole week, but I'm feeling fine again right now, relatively. I hope to be present next time again ;)
Nice to read this...

Result: ... index.html

Code: Select all


   8:31	 61.6s	S.gore		Repair
  16:26	 --.-	W.Tway		Pitstop not completed
  31:29	 65.5s	R.Alpen		Repair/Tire change
  32:20	 50.4s	T.Roedl		Tire change/Refuel
  32:14	 70.4s	B.Finnestad	Repair/Tire change/Refuel
Grats Tim!

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