Porto58 - 8th of February - Round 2

gpl dirtgear league
Seb Gore
Posts: 55
Joined: 05 Jan 2023, 16:16

Re: Porto58 - 8th of February - Round 2

Post by Seb Gore » 13 Feb 2024, 23:02

Hi John,
I'm running Windows 11 for GPL and it running fine so far. I installed it when it first came out on a castoffs and leftovers pc I built just for GPL. I thought that if it was a disaster I can just start again with Windows 10. It's been solid as a rock. If you can do a clean install, give 11 a try, but you want to have the option to say "sod it" and start again with 10.
I did make sure I had 16 gig of memory and a half decent graphics card and processor, but none of it is less than six years old, most of it a lot older.
Hope that helps?

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Re: Porto58 - 8th of February - Round 2

Post by snafu » 25 Feb 2024, 02:28

Thanks Seb,
That does help and alleviate my fears somewhat, I have a (Probably) unreasonable fear of losing my capability of running GPL once I'm dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I know my CPU is well able to handle GPL and W11. GPU also (GTX760). I'm sure a lot more than my current 8gb of memory would be a good upgrade though. I'm considering everything including Linux. My job before I retired was working with Unix systems so while I have no experience of Linux I feel I could hopefully utilise much of the experience I have on Unix systems.

I was reading Tony De_Vries_2's post on SRMZ about Laptops. ( https://srmz.the-fastlane.co.uk/viewtop ... 321#p16321 ). Pushing the boat out and going for something similar to what he uses would be fantastic for me, but it would need to be done on finance rather than an outright purchase. I spend some time away from home up in Scotland and quite often have to miss rounds of leagues I want to race in, so a laptop capable of running GPL would be a dream for me. (Connectivity permitting).

I think for me an ideal solution would be the previously mentioned laptop, and rebuild my current PC with Linux and try to get GPL working on that as an alternative.

The joys of being addicted to the 25 year old driving sim. :daumenrauf:

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