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Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 04 Jun 2024, 08:04
by André Jahren
Welcome to Brands Hatch.

Do you have a updated track.ini file for me?

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 04 Jun 2024, 15:06
by Olaf Lehmann

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 05 Jun 2024, 10:32
by André Jahren
The file is updated on the server.

NB: The race will be 38 laps

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 17:51
by Dag_Johnsen
Hey guys.

Im gonna sit this one out and be back for the fall section of the season. My right hip is killin me these days , its stiffened up a lot over the winter. Might have a touch of self infliction as Ive been a little sloppy diet wise during the winter.

Should improve a little over the summer.

Have a good one. :daumenrauf:

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 21:43
by tagomago
I hope you get better Dag

Sorry Seb ... we were having a very interesting race.

The touch is because you enter that corner with less speed than we were riding before.

That surprises me and I am forced to overtake you, something I had not decided, even so I get in parallel and we touch with bad luck for me that I can not continue.

The subjunctives are always verb tenses of unrealities that don't happen: I should have got better the inside of the curve and you should have released the car on your right to allow the parallel.

I'm sorry Seb ... racing incident.

Thanls all for racing :daumenrauf: helps me to express myself in english

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 23:31
by William Tway
About all I can say is WOW. That was a blast...while it lasted. Felt like I had 5.1 stereo surround sound going on most of the race.
3 Ferrari's and the Brab all bunched together for a good bit. Most fun!

I did fail the mental challenge as I couldn't find my pit stall and I forgot to change tyres, which led to my demise.
Hope I can join ya'll again in the fall. Thanks again for the rush. Grats to the winners and I'm still in awww over Bjorns pre-qually time. Well done sir. Cheers, Will

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 01:30
by snafu
Without doubt that was my best race with HIES by far. I don't think there was a single lap where I found myself with no one to chase or wasn't fighting Will off.

The first third of the race was as Will said intense, chasing Bjorn, Olaf and Will's Ferrari's had my heart pumping. I was so glad I had the Brabham simply because I could hear my own engine. I would imagine those racing the Ferrari's must have found identifying their own engine sound from the other cars very difficult. Despite gaining 3 places I only actually passed Will on track when he went sideways into Paddock Hill Bend and I was able to hold a tight line and pass inside on the run down through Pilgrim's rise. The passes on Olaf and Bjorn were both due to them running off track.

So, Suddenly I found myself in 2nd with Andre several hundred meters up the road. I had little to no expectation of reeling him in but much to my surprise the gap began to come down and I was right with him after 8 laps or so. Although I had taken sufficient fuel for the whole race I was planning on a stop around lap 20 but I think largely due to running with the 3 Ferrari's and not pushing too hard my tyres felt fine as we went through the 20 lap barrier.

Once I had caught Andre it quickly became obvious that it would need a mistake on Andre's side for me to make a pass, I tried everything, Feigning a pass attempt both left and right and generally filling his mirrors at every opportunity. But he was having none of it and defended resolutely. I did though make a stupid error and nearly ran into him exiting South Bank and spun losing me several seconds. This was the beginning of noticeable tyre wear and despite catching him again towards the end of the race the Brabham was beginning to handle like a Cow on Roller-skates and I was very happy to see the flag as every corner was becoming a real challenge between grip and horsepower.

Congratulations to Andre for the win, and Olaf for completing the podium.

See you all after the break at Bathhurst.

Hope you make a full recovery Dag, looking forward to seeing you for the 2nd half of the season.


Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 10:15
by Dag_Johnsen
You are driving well John and you have without a doubt upped your general pace. Ive noticed this in oAo as well.

Good job. :daumenrauf:

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 14:42
by Olaf Lehmann

Code: Select all


  14:55	 55.7s	S.Magni		Tire change
  16:07	 39.2s	S.gore		Repair
  18:37	 64.6s	S.gore		Repair/Tire change
  29:44	 79.4s	W.Tway		Repair/Refuel
  34:01	 54.2s	B.Finnestad	Repair/Tire change
  36:25	 39.7s	O.Lehmann	Tire change/Refuel
  39:35	 40.1s	S.gore		Repair
  45:34	 53.1s	S.gore		Repair/Tire change
Result: ... index.html

Congratulations to André, John and O...oh...that's me! :bounce:

After one of my fortunately few mistakes on lap 8, which cost me seven seconds, I dropped three places - and that with only eight participants. So you can see how close it was.
After this and another mistake on the next lap (and after Tago and Seb collided within sight of each other), I was mostly on my own.

A nice summertime to all.

BR Olaf

Re: Brands Hatch - 6th June 2024 - Round 7

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 21:45
by Bjørn Finnestad
Grats André, John and Olaf, well done! :daumenrauf:

Yes, hectic race at times, there were many fights here and there, must admire such good driving and how realistic it looks.

My first pole position ever is unbelievable. Fastest lap in the race is also something to enjoy (Why not have an extra point rule for that? ;) )

I made a lot of mistakes from the start, slid off the track several times and did some minor damage to the car, but was able to continue. I was hoping to avoid stopping. Midway through the race the car had a crash that left me with no choice, had to repair and change the tires. The rears were gone too.

Brands Hatch is not the most dangerous track, somewhat forgivable and may have saved the race for many. That's good, because some of these turns at this iconic track require a lot. I am quite happy with the race, a little disappointed in myself on some of the occasions. In any case, exciting and interesting, good fight against everyone. The patch makes the races fun. :daumenrauf:

Nice to hear Dag, I wish you a speedy recovery. (Experience with back problems I know so well. I had to have surgery, but not for everyone that it is necessary.)

Thanks for the race, administration, and programming. Have a good summer to everyone, see you next race :)