Donnybrook71 - 7th November 2024 - Round12

gpl dirtgear league
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Re: Donnybrook71 - 7th November 2024 - Round11

Post by tagomago » 01 Dec 2024, 12:55

I have lost my motivation to run this championship.

I don't want anyone to let me overtake him without a fight.

The GPL has too much dead angle ... there is only one way to race respecting the other driver, which is to allow the other driver to gain position as long as there is a minimum of possibility of collision.

That's why when you stop seeing your partner in the mirrors and not knowing where he is, you must consider that there may be a collision and allow the other to have the space.

We read in chronicles “running wide just in case”.

There is another way of running that I do not share that consists in fighting dog-faced every millimeter of the track from the first meter.

Seb, this last graphic answer is very misguided ... it seems to imply something like “now you know what will happen”.

In this post except for André's intervention which is commendable but not clear and allows for interpretations there has been a deafening silence.

I have been left with the feeling that at last I have been the one who has been annoyed and this is a typical sad incident of which it is better not to say anything to see if it passes.

So I must say goodbye and thank you for the interesting and unbeatable moments we have shared.

José Luis

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Olaf Lehmann
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Re: Donnybrook71 - 7th November 2024 - Round11

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 01 Dec 2024, 15:11

Hi José Luis,

It hurts to read that. In my opinion, you are the fairest and most careful driver in our league. No other rider in front of or behind me made me feel as safe as you did.

My opinion on the accident with Seb: I'm sure that if the roles had been reversed, you really would have lined up at the back.
You wrote quite correctly: So early in the race it makes no sense to counterattack. You have to reckon with the possibility of a collision, which is what happened.
Nevertheless, I don't think it's illegal to try to counterattack, even if it's not always wise.
Since Seb - as I see it - stayed well on the outside, you can't accuse him of unsportsmanlike behaviour or anything like that.

Actually, what makes racing interesting is that everyone has a different mentality/approach, as long as it doesn't get really unsportsmanlike.

Visibility is really very limited in GPL in situations like this. I try to use Pribluda Trackpositionboard and Blind Spot Warning as an additional source of information, which can of course also make me confused sometimes.

A completely different topic:
From 21.10. to 28.10. I was on holiday in Malaga and Nerja. On our last evening in Nerja, it rained heavily for an hour and the cars in front of our hotel were 40cm under water.
The day after we returned home, we saw the catastrophic storm on TV, which mainly affected Valencia, but also other parts of Spain, and were shocked.
Were you or relatives/acquaintances affected?

BR Olaf

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Re: Donnybrook71 - 7th November 2024 - Round11

Post by snafu » 01 Dec 2024, 19:38

Very disappointed to hear this José.

Sadly GPL is a very hard taskmaster regarding close racing, and any contact usually unleashes Armageddon on those involved. Just look at my ending at Kansas and Roadblock. Both involved a battle for the lead, (At Roadblock, 100m from the flag). Sh1t happens. Sometimes you are the windscreen, sometimes the bug.

I hope you will reconsider and we see you at the Glen, one race doesn't make a season and the league would be worse off without your participation.

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Seb Gore
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Re: Donnybrook71 - 7th November 2024 - Round11

Post by Seb Gore » 02 Dec 2024, 19:59

I'm gutted that you feel like that. You are a pleasure to compete with, and I say again, I had (and will always have) no intention of ever being involved in any accident with you or anyone else. I always try to race fairly and have always been quick to apologise when I screw up.
I tried to give you as much room as I could and fully expected to see you appear at the apex well in front of me. From the bottom of my heart I'm really sorry that the incident happened, but it is at worst 50/50.
Having said that, now I know your expectations in a close run, I'll be more cautious and I hope it will never happen again.
I really hope that you reconsider your decision and we can race again.
Best regards,

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