RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

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William Tway
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by William Tway » 26 Nov 2024, 22:39

Bummer. Seems it's some sort of holiday this race day over here. Gonna try and sneak in a few laps but most likely I'll be eating turkey somewhere away from my wheel...

Have fun and good luck all!!!

Such a fun circuit.



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Olaf Lehmann
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 29 Nov 2024, 15:38

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  13:02	 51.4s	O.Lehmann	Tire change/Refuel
  21:22	 53.0s	A.Jahren	Repair
  25:02	 70.6s	A.Jahren	Repair/Tire change
  32:24	 45.0s	B.Finnestad	Tire change/Refuel
  39:18	 43.5s	O.Lehmann	Tire change/Refuel
In the PreQuali I noticed that my rear right tire was already showing wear values over 50 after 5 laps (with relatively low values at the front), which led to severe oversteer. Therefore I decided for a two-stop strategy.
My first stop was actually supposed to take place after 10 or 11 laps. As I completely ruined a tire on lap six during an excursion (the value suddenly went up to 239), I had to bring this stop forward.
Shortly before my second stop, I had almost caught up with Seb. After the second stop, I was about 30s behind Seb again, but caught up with him again about 4 laps before the end and passed him without any problems.

The fact that Rainer, John and Seb got through on this track without stopping is even more of a mystery to me than on other tracks.

Congratulations to Rainer, John and Björn. The outcome of the first two places looks very confusing in the livestream. I thought John must have crossed the finish line first.

BR Olaf

P.S.: Tago, what happens with you???

At GPL Weekly is written the old date for the last race (19.12. instead of 12.12.)

Rainer Alpen
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by Rainer Alpen » 29 Nov 2024, 16:06

What a race.
Until I accelerate out of the last corner in the last round it was a great performance.
Instead of the closest battle to the finishing line with John, I have totally messed it up! )( :kotz:

Sorry for that John

BR Rainer

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Bjørn Finnestad
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by Bjørn Finnestad » 29 Nov 2024, 21:06

Had a lot of tire wear on the rear wheels and no wear on the front. I changed the differential ramp settings to more neutral which tends to understeer a little. I was then able to push more and improved the lap times further. There was something to be gained here and there on this fantastic track. The wear was a little less and the front indicated more than zero but still insignificant.

I had to realize that stops were necessary in this race, but not two like Olaf had to have. I didn't have any major problems with the tires, but without the stops I wouldn't have been able to finish, at least not nearly 7 seconds behind the winner. On the other hand, cold tires led me to get on the grass at the end of turn 1 in the first lap, and I was relieved to get back on the asphalt. Good fight right from the start. For me, it was a good race and feeling of mastery. A lot of therapy in GPL.

Noticed that Andre was having problems. What happened to Tago? See from replay you lost the start and started from the pit, but you weren't too far behind, you just had to keep going, a lot can happen in a race.

A real battle between Rainer and John, too bad there was an accident right before the finish line. What a drama. Congratulations on first and second place anyway.

Thanks all for race and administration. See you all at Watkins Glen

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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by snafu » 29 Nov 2024, 23:32

Somehow managed to put the Brabham on pole despite a time much slower than I expected. My start was dreadful to say the least, I didn't give it anywhere near enough throttle and when I dropped the clutch the engine bogged down terribly. Apologies to Bjorn behind who had to get off the power pretty quickly to avoid running into my gearbox. Somehow I managed to hold onto 2nd. Andre was very strong in the early laps and it took me a few laps to nurse the tyres into the grip window and stabilize the gap, meanwhile Bjorn was an ever present feature in my mirrors.

I was undecided if I should go for a stop or if I could manage the tyres through the whole race. I took enough fuel for race distance and decided to see how things panned out and once Andre spun out running through "Hill Corner" and Bjorn pitted I found myself with a healthy lead and decided to push the tyres as far as I could. Unfortunately I have Rainer (The tyre whisperer) making ground in 2nd and the longer the race went on the closer he got. We were pretty much running together for the final 8 laps and once or twice he showed me his front wheel in case I hadn't noticed he was there but I held firm and managed to stay ahead. For the final 4 laps my tyres were screaming for attention and the Brabham was like an excerpt from Bambi on Ice, I had a very stable setup which allowed me good acceleration even with spinning wheels but it hurt my cornering, so I was able to usually pull a gap from the exit of "Kinky" until the entry to "Chicane". But everywhere else Rainer was over me like a rash.. It was all going so well until the final run to the line. We exited the final corner about a car length apart but on the run to the line Rainer appeared to drift to the left and caught my rear right wheel catapulting me into the pit buildings and bouncing across the track and over the line for 2nd.

It's fair to say I was "Spitting feathers" after the race but after watching the replay I have to admit it was a really great race, the most fun I've had with my clothes on for a long time. It was just a shame it ended how it did.

Fast, Cheap, Reliable - Choose any 2 from 3.

André Jahren
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by André Jahren » 02 Dec 2024, 14:20

A bit messy qualifying session where I did a lot of mistakes.

Had a good start and was able to pass John down the straight.

The first 4/5 laps the gap back to John was stable.
The next couple of laps it started to increase and I had a comfortable lead, before I made a silly mistake in turn 1 and spun off.

After that my race was ruined and it was just about finishing the race.

Congratulations to Rainer for the win, and to John and Bjørn for joining him on the podium.

See you all at Watkins Glen

Seb Gore
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Re: RoadBlock Racing Circuit - 28-11-24 - Round 12

Post by Seb Gore » 02 Dec 2024, 20:24

Hi all,
Man my car was slow.... 3 seconds off the pace at least. No idea what I did with the setup. Having said that, I did finish. For info Olaf, I was certainly running out of tyres by the end, quite noticeably.
Left the pits to start qualifying and saw Andre in his pit with the engine on fire.... Quite disturbing for a few moments. Looks like hassle from the word go Andre. Sorry I got in your way in practice, I think I'm being over cautious at the moment.
Apart from that, I was just driving as clean and fast as I could.
From my lowly position out at the back, I did see someone go straight on at the entry of turn three, possibly that was Jose?
Finally, well done Rainer, John and Bjorn, and everyone else involved.
Ok, hopefully back to normal at Watkins.
Cheers all

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