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13:02 51.4s O.Lehmann Tire change/Refuel
21:22 53.0s A.Jahren Repair
25:02 70.6s A.Jahren Repair/Tire change
32:24 45.0s B.Finnestad Tire change/Refuel
39:18 43.5s O.Lehmann Tire change/Refuel
In the PreQuali I noticed that my rear right tire was already showing wear values over 50 after 5 laps (with relatively low values at the front), which led to severe oversteer. Therefore I decided for a two-stop strategy.
My first stop was actually supposed to take place after 10 or 11 laps. As I completely ruined a tire on lap six during an excursion (the value suddenly went up to 239), I had to bring this stop forward.
Shortly before my second stop, I had almost caught up with Seb. After the second stop, I was about 30s behind Seb again, but caught up with him again about 4 laps before the end and passed him without any problems.
The fact that Rainer, John and Seb got through on this track without stopping is even more of a mystery to me than on other tracks.
Congratulations to Rainer, John and Björn. The outcome of the first two places looks very confusing in the livestream. I thought John must have crossed the finish line first.
BR Olaf
P.S.: Tago, what happens with you???
At GPL Weekly is written the old date for the last race (19.12. instead of 12.12.)