Hi all.
Me and a couple of buddies have ourselves a little gpl leauge going on thursdays. Just for fun and for the sake of driving this fantastic simulator. Practice is 1 hour and racelength is approx the same. Shift + r allowed. Other than that just plain gpl racing. Practice starts 2000 CET via VROC , servername is AJserver and there is also a chatroom in vroc with the same name. Pswd = haha , 60 fps. We drive a spring and fall season each consisting of nine races.
http://www.jahren.biz for more details.
Any and all racers are welcome to join the fun. Choice of chassi is free and there are no handicaps of any kind.
We race at Silverstone tonight but due to a tight holiday schedule for some (not me) the pratice and race session will be 30 min each , so done about nine o clock. Servername AJserver , pswd = haha
VROC seems to be down. IP: (fixed so can be saved for later)