Invitation Historic sim racing league.

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Posts: 56
Joined: 30 Jul 2016, 20:13

Invitation Historic sim racing league.

Post by Dag_Johnsen » 30 Jul 2016, 23:17

Hello all gpl drivers.

New website so this to remind all those who are interested in racing on tuesdays.

We are 3 drivers who want to expand our league and therefore we invite all those who want to join. Racedays will be every other tuesday starting at aug 16th at 2000 pm CET , first track is mexico.

Format will be int long races with shift + r allowed without restrictions. No chassi restrictions or hc of any kind. These are mixed cpu races so every race is a full field of 20.

Rules are standard racing rules and we race like gentlemen. Quick but clean is a general guideline.

We race at 36 fps.

The servername is AJ-Server (if winroc is back up) and the pswd is haha

IP will be posted here if winroc is still down when we start.

Any and all are welcome to join. is our website where you can find other details. Feel free to post any questions here.

Hope to see you on track.

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