Forwarded: SRMZ needs help

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Forwarded: SRMZ needs help

Post by Fabian » 30 Jan 2019, 18:33

From Bo Bruce:
Speedgeezers, SRMZ, Track Data base, Repository, and who knows what other places, are all DOWN.
its a long story, but the short version is the admin, the person that makes all that happen, is Bill Cooper.

on his own, with DONATIONS from those of us that frequent his - to this point - FREE to us - locations.
they are NOT Free to Bill...
at a rate of near $300/mo he's been covering the amount not covered with our donations.

so basically, Bill has hit a rough spot, and when he has the money, to pay the people that own/operate the sites, they'll be back up...

want them back up today?  help with a donation!  any amount to Bill's payPal account (see his email at the bottom of the text)
ANY Amount you can chip in, will make it happen sooner -

the thing is to me, i'm to a point that i breathe the Forums. why not a subscription? can't we all afford $1 /mo?
Bill has not wanted to do this, as part of the community that doesn't ask for $$ for any of the mods/tracks/or places to ask for help.   i think its time for US to help see that it continues.
$10 -12 a year?  for what we get, a small amount - agree?

lets DO THIS!!

bill (at) bcsims (dot) com
[Note: that's when donating with PayPal]

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