Prob Pribluda

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Manfred Selzner
Posts: 25
Joined: 27 Nov 2018, 02:27

Prob Pribluda

Post by Manfred Selzner » 01 Dec 2018, 00:41

Hallo, i need a correct version of the "Edit Pribluda.INI", cause i`ve
changed some terms in my version without making a backup.

Can you send me, or public the normal version? I need only the correcct terms for the

Here you can see my actualy edit, in which i have changed some values to
zero, cause i`ve had probs with Pribluda. I have solved the probs, and by
the way i have recognized, that Pribluda has not been the reason for my

version =
blackBarRatio = 0
boldFont = 0
borderSize = 0
defaultColour = 0xffffff
fontFace = Consolas
fontSize = 0
overlayBoards = 0
outlineOpenglFont = 0
outlineOpenglFontSize = 0
outlineOpenglFontFactor = 2.0

I have another question, too. I am interessted to race the Ringnacht 2018 with
you all together. Is it possible, that i choose the first version of the
track (the version from SIERRA without any upgrades). I like this track
most. Does it creates compatibility probs and degrades network performance
for the participants?

Greetings, Manfred Selzner

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Olaf Lehmann
Posts: 174
Joined: 16 Oct 2016, 17:13

Re: Prob Pribluda

Post by Olaf Lehmann » 01 Dec 2018, 12:32

version =
blackBarRatio = 0.1041
boldFont = 0
borderSize = 3
defaultColour = 0xffffff
fontFace = Consolas
fontSize = 15
overlayBoards = 0
outlineOpenglFont = 0
outlineOpenglFontSize = 12
outlineOpenglFontFactor = 2.0
That's the global section of my PRIBLUDA.INI. I hope it helps.

BR Olaf

Manfred Selzner
Posts: 25
Joined: 27 Nov 2018, 02:27

Re: Prob Pribluda

Post by Manfred Selzner » 05 Dec 2018, 23:15

Hi Olaf, many thanks!!!


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